The Challenge
I was asked to create an infographic based on the prompt: "what is educational technology (EdTech)?", without text (except for a title).
The Solution
My initial idea was to copy the fun posters and report covers I had seen around Concordia University by combining five images that represent the Educational Technology program and overlaying colours. However, a lack of workable royalty free images caused me to rethink this idea.
While browsing icons for inspiration, I found an open-head icon that drew me in. From there I found icons that represented the main skills developed in the program and created this infographic to promote the program to prospective students.
Key Learner Experience Features
Minimal icons to reduce cognitive load
Graduation symbolism and title to communicate knowledge and skills gained through the program
Key Design Features
Standardized Concordia University branding to maintain consistent look and feel
Incorporated logo to retain association if cropped
Software Used